Those are my words, not his, and, yeah, I exaggerate a bit. But Derek Evry never sleeps—the man continues to crank out new songs at a fierce pace, and I haven’t seen anyone in Arlington who has a better sense of melody.Here’s a portion of his latest goings on, in his words:
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be playing at The First Stage Theater in Tysons Corner, VA on July 16th for an AMAZING Songwriters Showcase. This is going to feature ALL NEW SONGS that you may not have heard yet… Because they’re, like, NEW!
Did I mention that they’re new yet? Cause they’re new.
After that… I will be playing a FULL BAND SHOW at Axum Level X on 9th St NW in DC on July 21st with Brian Franke, Amber Dutton, and Dan Fisk. This is my first full band show since April’s sold out DC9 show. Please make it a point to come to this one… It may be the last time you can see me with a band for less than $80, and not at a stadium. #WishfulThinking
In any event… My new album “Here’s To Better Misery” is coming out quite nicely! We’re putting some finishing touches on it, then it’s off to the presses!! More info on a release date in a few weeks!!
Until then, keep coming out to my shows, keep being fabulous people, and try to mention to someone you know that doesn’t know about me that I exist, and I play music, and it’s at
Kyle here again–please watch the video interview with Derek From last winter. Just click the player:
[bliptv AYKh1DsA]