The good news for Horror fans? There are some great “kills” in Death Drop Gorgeous. I’m talking over-the-top, so graphic as to be comical – but inventive, creatively admirable kills. It’s the bits in between the slayings that could have used a bit more story development.
Set in a Providence Drag community, the comedy/horror pits an unknown serial killer against his young gay victims with The Out House drag club as the home base of the story.
Written and directed by Michael J. Ahern, Christopher Dalpe and Brandon Perras, who also co-star, edit, and probably catered the cast lunches, the acting among the non-drag characters is like something from a corporate going away video for someone retiring: big, loud, and unprofessional, yet a surefire hit with its very finite target audience.
As for the Queens, their go big or go home vibe is a perfect fit for the candy-colored palette and synth-heavy soundtrack. I particularly enjoyed the face-pulling performance of Michael McAdam as Gloria Hole, an aging, chain-smoking has-been whose side-eyes and quips bring bittersweet smiles.
You won’t care for a second whodunit- I kept expecting a Scooby-Doo style de-masking, but whatever. The film doesn’t take that part of the story seriously, so there isn’t a whole lot of emotional investment on their part or yours.
I can see this movie working at a Friday night house party, where people who know and/or love the intricacies of drag performers and their sharp-tongued dialogue can cheer – maybe take shots every time a punch line is dropped after a deliciously depraved killing.
But that’s a fairly narrow target. Here’s wishing this ragtag group of inexperienced filmmakers the best of luck-it’s not easy to get a film made, but they did it.
Death Drop Gorgeous | 2 out of 4 Stars | in select theatres and on digital September 10th