Note: I am not affiliated with Tom Petty merchandise and do not stand to financially gain from this, I am only passing the info along to fellow Petty fans like myself.
Petty’s people reported this week that they are selling a limited quanity of The Best of Everything 4-LP boxset.
Unfortunately, the first pressing quickly sold out, however, as they’ve done with other releases in the past, you can get on a waiting list here:
I believe the first pressing was for them to guarantee delivery by Mother’s Day. There is every chance that more pressings are coming and that that’s the reason for the wait list.

I did see that someone had already listed one set on eBay and I hope they lose their shirt because snatching these up before the fans can is almost like bootlegging concert tickets for profit in my opinion.
My first Tom Petty concert was in Sacramento CA in 1979 and the last was in the 20-teens near Washington DC. I am still not over the fact that he’s gone.
By the way, the great Mike Campbell has released a good album and is on tour, here’s that info: