Except for weird, seemingly unmarketable name of this film – there are many elements that make the film worth a watch.
First: WTF is a Psychopomp?
I’m glad you asked (and they explain in the opening titles):
“Psychopomps are creatures, spirits, angels, demons or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly deceased souls from Earth to the afterlife.”
A young and good-looking couple (Elohim Peña and Kulani Kai) get in a car accident, killing her and leaving him a grieving, haunted widower.
He begins hearing her voice and sometimes, seeing her image – the ghostly images in the film are bathed in cool purple lighting- woulda never thought of that, but it helps the viewer discern what is in this world and what is not.

So the husband, whose injured soul couldn’t be more paralyzed, is visited by his own Psychopomp (Steven Alonte). The idea is that the scary looking, but harmless, pomp dude (also in purple) will take him through three different scenarios (making the film an anthology) from which he will observe and, perhaps, learn.
I was reminded of good ol’ Scrooge being visited by three different ghosts in the night, and the scary, but ultimately cathartic experience it was for the miser.
Spellbound High Monster Hop, Answers and Until Forever are the three mini-movies within. The stories take us from a High school dance, to a predatory murderer’s interrogation by someone who can see right through him, to a modern-ish vampire who is tired of living.
Though nothing is particularly scary in the film, I still found it a good watch with really sharp production values and a nice script for an Indie. The cast are all quite good, as well.
And there’s a brief epilogue that ties up the film neatly with a little melancholy.
But that title, though
I Dream of a Psychopomp: Aug 12th TERROR FILMS CHANNEL AUGUST 19 | Digital/Streaming