I’ve known about her for years, but somehow managed to only hear one or two songs from her, and I’m still not one hundred percent sure how to pronounce her name.
Well, no more excuses-a gorgeous new concert film shot in the largest Victorian glass house in the world provides an almost heavenly light, visually, and a natural vibe that is, nonetheless, highly controlled to sonic perfection.
I’ve been calling it a “live’ performance and surely there was lots of postproduction and multiple takes (not to mention, no live audience) in h making of this one hour special. But it does feel live – the band are grooving together and it’s as tight and clean as live music gets.

If she is missing an little energy juice that a performer gets reflected back to them in euphoric screams, she doesn’t seem to show it,
Between songs, a dude interviews her – the only misstep in the production; his lengthy questions and her lengthy answers interrupt the flow of the music throughput.
I know she has some important things to say about everything from motherhood to the environment, but I think she would have been better served to use those soundbites as voice overs (or voice unders, if you will.)
Sometimes I hear just a drop of Dolly or Kacey in her voice, and being a huge fan of those two seemed to make me a natural fan of Ellie
Better late than never.
Ellie Goulding at Kew Gardens airs free on freevee