NOTE: I never, ever give away spoilers – I mean, I still get upset when someone gives away the ending to The Sixth Sense, which was released 23 years ago!
It’s nearly impossible for a show to which one has become devoted over a number of years to end its run in a satisfying way for everyone. I, for one, loved the finale of Ozark.
Hard to believe it’s been 15 years since the series finale of The Sopranos ended with a hard cut to black, leaving millions with unanswered questions (while racking up beaucoup bucks for Journey, whose song “Don’t Stop Believin’ “ is still enjoying boosted royalties from that last scene in 2007). Ever since, viewers haven’t been shy about expressing their feelings on finales.

What do we want as viewers? In real life, uh, life goes on. There are no ending credits, no counting of episodes. And since most series have been a continuum of the characters’ lives, there’s really no way to tie a bow and put The End on the last frame. That’s for movies.
I have recently seen people say that the last episode of Ozark ruined the whole 4 season run of the show for them. Really? What did you want? Most people are fired up over the death of Ruth Langmore( Julia Garner ), but her character had to die and would have, whether after 3, 4 or 10 seasons-her fate was always to die when the series ended.
Nothing else makes sense. Her family history, all the dangerous people who she crossed, and one in particular she killed, was our first clue. And then, quite a poetic bit of dialog from Ruth in the last episode or two where she describes the fates of all her predecessors was another sign that were she to live happily ever after, it would be almost too big a break from the morbid Langmore streak.
Yes, the Byrde family survived what turned out to be a plot gimmick car crash – in fact, as they crawl from the wreckage (symbolism, party of one?), they briefly embrace. It’s like it took near death to bring them together.

Except that these four have been “near death” for virtually the entire series. If any one of them were to be killed, they’d really all have to go – at least for the kind of viewers who wanted the family to get their comeuppance.
In the end, what we have are dissatisfied viewers on two fronts: those who think the criminal clan should’ve paid the price for their sins, and those who thought the Byrdes should have a happily-ever-after future.
The fact is, those viewers got neither. What we have is a family who are still alive and kinda still together, but them being able to go straight was always a pipe dream. As the show closes we see that they are still killing to save themselves (at least there’s that) and the passing that particular torch from parents to kids.
I like unlikable characters. They make life interesting and, without them, we don’t have a show. The thing about Ozark was that it put the “good guys” in the same pen as the baddest of the bad guys. I think that was just too much to bear for a lot of viewers, but I loved every season of Ozark- up to and including that last cut to black as we here the gunshot. I will miss these bastards.
I’d like to hear what you thought. You can comment here on this site – or even easier, just comment in the thread where this is posted on Facebook.
Honestly I love them all ! Not mad it ended but hopefully a spin-off! All the characters were amazing and beyond spectacular! It probably happens more than we know!