Greetings from the small island of Belitung , in Indonesia, Kyle Osborne here. I’m a military brat who started working in radio just before my 20th birthday. That was a long time ago. A very long time ago.
I worked for the American Forces Network Europe, in Belgium, mostly doing mundane chores, like erasing tape cartridges, before getting my own radio show that went out to 3 countries; a pretty cool way to start.

Soon after, I began conducting backstage interviews with all of the top music stars of the day. Looking back, I guess I was “too dumb to be scared,” as the saying goes, because I stood toe to toe with imposing figures like Frank Zappa, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and B.B. King. Also enjoyed hanging with some of the nicest guys in Metal, like Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, KISS, Ronnie James Dio and many others.

I came back to the states in 1985 and worked continuously as a TV Weatherman and Entertainment Reporter before switching to writer, editor, photographer and videographer from 2010 until right now.
I came up through the ranks of small market TV before working in Washington DC television for almost 20 years. I was fortunate to take home two Emmy wins out of those four nods.
I have semi-retired to this beautiful island, where I still do voice-over work and video editing. I’m here at your disposal if you need me for a project!
You can skim the story of how I ended up on this little island here:
Thanks for visiting!
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Hey Kyle,
Great site. I found you through the Birchmere site. I’m not sure if you remember me but we worked together at NC8 in the late 90’s. I left NC8 in 2000.
Anyway, glad your still doing what you love. Take care and maybe I’ll see you around.
GREAT site Kyle! Congratulations! Hope to meet you soon….
John- Just happened along your site while viewing some great footage at Birchmere. great work well done. Is that you doing the voice overs? It sounds like a dear firend and past colleague named Pat Ferrise. .Either way the vo and edits are great. Well done. will certainly continue to visit your site often! Ted
Of course I meant to type Kyle in my original email to you. I was watching your John Brinegar interview while typing….(multitasking sometimes takes a toll!)
Hey Kyle it’s ME figgyb. How are you? Lost your email address….
Hi Kyle, thanks for the FB message about the site… it looks amazing!!!! I have been a fan of yours since 2005, and still am! Although I have seen you a few times in person, I haven’t come up- to introduce myself, because I figured that public personalities are entitled to some down time too- when they are off of work.
So glad for you- it is tough putting yourself back out there when all you want to do is lick your wounds. Like you, I had to make a shift after I was down sized last year from the World Bank … but now I am back in school, running around like crazy, juggling more than a couple programs. It was the absolutely the BEST thing that could have happened…not sure if it matters, but I think you’re gonna make it- you are a fighter, and you still have a lot to give!
Kudos on the endorsements on the site- may you get many more…
Just bookmarked the site Kyle.. You’ve come a long way since we first talked about this as an idea in the lobby of the Warner Theatre… Keep up the great work and don’t forget to plug The Chance show tomorrow night @ The Black Cat main stage!
Love your site..ROCK ON!
Your new adventure is wonderful! You’ve got my support.
A GREAT site Kyle! Know you will do well with it. Look forward to viewing it often.
(Also knew your Dad from our AF days) Keep up the good work!
love your background story and how you got started. you had quite an amazing journey, meeting lots of amazing people and you are still on that journey. which i hope it’s something you love, because you do it well. stay strong and keep up the good work!! love you kyle
am Luving your new website!! can’t wait to see more reviews & photos
My on Chris sent me (to your site).
Will try to help get your numbers up!