Kyle Osborne's EntertainmentOrDie.Com

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Kyle Osborne Writes for Entertainment or Die

13 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Stevie Murphy

    Hi there,

    We all want to wake up feeling energized, happy, and ready to take on the day—but sometimes, life gets in the way. The good news? Small, practical changes in daily habits can boost well-being in a big way!

    I’m putting together an article packed with simple yet powerful strategies to help people feel their best every day. Would you be open to featuring it on your site? Let’s inspire your readers to embrace healthier, happier lives!

    Looking forward to your thoughts!

    All the best,
    Stevie Murphy

    P.S. Interested in an article, just not on the topic I suggested? No problem! Just respond to let me know and we can come up with something else. Or, if you’re not interested in an article at all, just let me know.

  2. Hal Salazar

    Hi! Caregiving from afar is challenging and can eventually become impossible, depending on how your loved ones’ needs change over time.

    I’d like to write an article for your website on ways to recognize when it’s time to relocate closer to your loved one when caregiving from far away is no longer an option, and how to make the move easier on everyone.

    If you’re interested in this article, I’ll write it up and send it your way for consideration.

    Best to you,
    Hal Salazar |

    If you’re interested in content from me – but on a different topic – please respond to let me know and we’ll figure out a better option.

  3. Judy Stephens

    Hi there!

    Have you ever wondered how parents working from home manage to juggle career demands while keeping family life running smoothly? It’s no easy feat!

    I’d love to write an article offering tips and tools to help parents balance both worlds. From effective time management strategies to tech tools that streamline tasks, this resource guide will provide great advice to make life a little easier.

    Imagine how this could empower your audience to navigate work and family life with more ease and joy. Let’s inspire them together! What do you think about featuring this on your site?

    Take care and stay well,
    Judy Stephens /

    **Please feel free to let me know if you’d like me to suggest a different topic. Just reply with “New topics, please” if you’re open to receiving an article but didn’t find the previous suggestion appealing. Alternatively, if you prefer not to receive any more messages from me, simply reply and let me know.

  4. Tamiya Barnes

    Hello again,
    I wanted to check in regarding the article idea I recently submitted. I am enthusiastic about writing on tech-savvy wedding planning and believe it could be a great fit for your publication.
    Could you please let me know your thoughts on the proposed topic at your earliest convenience? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me proceed in the right direction.

    Tamiya of

    P.S. Reply with “Send a new topic,” if the above suggestion doesn’t work for you but you’re up for receiving an article.

  5. Tamiya Barnes

    Hello there,

    Traditional wedding planning is a thing of the past. Nowadays, couples are all about using technology to make their journey to the big day smoother and more enjoyable. Whether it’s online RSVPs, virtual save-the-dates, or smart wedding apps that handle every detail, tech-savvy wedding planning is a total game-changer.

    I’m keen on writing a guest blog post for your website, delving into the thrilling realm of tech-savvy wedding planning. It’ll cover how couples can make the most of the latest tools, apps, and innovations to craft a seamless and unforgettable celebration.

    If you’re interested in publishing this piece, just give me a shout.

    Tamiya of

    P.S. Reply with “Send a new topic,” if the above suggestion doesn’t work for you but you’re up for receiving an article.

  6. Hattie Close

    Dear Team at

    My name is Hattie and I am a volunteer with Hope For Ukraine Charity. I have found you on

    After two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at least 6 million?people have fled Ukraine to escape the conflict and another 5 million people are internally displaced.

    Leaving behind their homes, jobs and loved ones, Ukrainians urgently need shelter, food and water. More than 17 million people, almost half the population, require humanitarian aid.

    Life for the people of Ukraine has completely changed. Fighting and indiscriminate bombing has killed families and destroyed houses, schools and hospitals. Millions in displacement centres and damaged homes face temperatures below -20C.

    An estimated 1.4 million houses have been damaged by the war, and it is mostly older people and people with disabilities who remain behind in homes with leaking roofs, broken windows and no access to heating.

    Your generous contributions to our Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal helped over 140,000 vulnerable women, men and children access vital aid including food, water, shelter and counselling support.

    Thanks to you, our local partners are helping people to rebuild their lives after experiencing trauma, losing loved ones, homes and livelihoods.

    We have also responded quickly through the Caritas network – which CAFOD is a member of – to provide shelter, food and safe spaces for families who have lost everything.

    The humanitarian professionals and volunteers working on your behalf live locally and are from the communities that you are supporting. Many have been displaced by the war themselves. They understand people’s specific needs: from food and water, to shelter and clothing, to medical, psychological, and spiritual support. No two people are the same, no two crises are the same.

    Thanks to your kind donations and support, we have delivered vital assistance to over 120,000 mothers, children and elderly people since the first months of the conflict. We are part of a Caritas response that has reached over 2 million refugees and internally-displaced people. By working together we are making a difference to the lives of those in greatest need.

    When the emergency needs of families affected by the Ukraine conflict have been met and international attention turns to other crises, we are committed to be there in the long-term, to ensure that the communities you are helping can rebuild and heal.

    How will my donation help?
    More than 17 million people, almost half the current population of Ukraine, are now in need of humanitarian aid. With your help, we can keep supporting the increasing number of families who are in desperate need.

    Your donation will help local experts in Ukraine to keep providing:

    – food, water, and hygiene items

    – shelter and clothing

    – healthcare

    – education

    – counselling and group therapy.

    Please show your support for Ukraine by donating to the below cryptocurrency wallet addresses. No donation is too small. All funds received will be used to buy humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting bank payments as we are looking for a new banking partner.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5
    Solana: G9quVAfjmRsLfT9xpacoUp7rkFAvdYEd44kHLhzaFVRu

    I thank you for your support and making a difference.

    Kind regards

    Hattie Close
    phone: 633509335
    Address: Amsterdamse Veerkade 7, Den Haag, 2512 Ah, ZH, Netherlands

  7. Ervin Trent

    Good evening, I was just taking a look at your site and submitted this message via your “contact us” form. The “contact us” page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is why you are reading my message at this moment right? This is the most important achievement with any type of advertising, making people actually READ your advertisement and I did that just now with you! If you have something you would like to blast out to millions of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even focus on your required niches and my costs are super reasonable. Shoot me an email here:

  8. Alice Barrientos

    Trying to find effective online marketing that isn’t completely full of it? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that’s exactly where I wanted to make my point. We can send your advertising message to websites via their contact forms just like you’re receiving this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just fire off mass blasts to websites in the country of your choice. So let’s assume you’re looking to push through an ad to all the plumbing companies in the US, we’ll scrape websites for only those and post your promo to them. Providing you’re promoting some kind of offer that’s relevant to that business category then you’ll get awesome results!

    Shoot an email to for details on how this works

  9. Sasha Hudd

    Hi there!

    You Need Leads, Sales, Conversions, Traffic for ? Will Findet…


    Don’t believe me? Since you’re reading this message then you’re living proof that contact form advertising works!
    We can send your ad to people via their Website Contact Form.

    IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, Contact us =>


  10. Sabrina Mandell

    Would you list our show?

    If you like Edward Gorey, Victorian nightmares, dangerous croquet, Gothic Romance,
    nostalgia, wayward and misbegotten children, melodramatic music played live
    and Happenstance Theater’s penchant for witty, visual, theatrical collage, then you will not want to miss the 2nd Annual, All-New Cabaret Macabre.
    The show is approximately one hour.
    All new material! Just as funny. Just as Macabre.

    Mark Jaster, Sabrina Mandell, Karen Hansen,
    Matthew Pauli, Esther Williamson and Gwen Grastorf

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