Any other director, any mere mortal, could never get away with Steven Spielberg’s naked sentimentality, but he can and he does.
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Review: ‘Venom’ 2 out of 4 Stars
Venom | 2 out of 4 Stars | Rated PG-13 By Kyle Osborne For my money, Tom Hardy is as interesting an actor as anyone currently in the business. He works economically, his performances are well-calibrated with charisma that burns through the lens- even when he’s not saying a word.…
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Movie Review: ‘Oz the Great and Powerful’
What is it with these half full/half empty movies lately? Last week, “Jack The Giant Slayer,” a movie with wondrous visual effects, had a slow first hour before getting on to a finish with great flourish. This week, “Oz the Great and Powerful” does just the opposite; It comes out…
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