There is a satisfying final act payoff to Those Who Call, but you must patiently steel yourself for a challenging wait for something to happen.
Two sisters who love each other, but obviously have some long-standing issues between them that are just under the surface go for a road tip to Colorado.
Two shopworn devices are used to put them in peril: the old school “our car broke down” and the newer but increasingly overused “we don’t have a good phone signal.”
I mean, the only other thing that could go wrong is if they got lost on foot in the forest. Oh, wait.
They hear sounds and rustling here and there, but mostly these two argue…and argue…and argue. All of that time alone in the forest could have led to some great dialogue and more backstory on the two. But I’m afraid the script goes round in circles just as much as the sisters do.
Apparently they are being hunted by a sadistic Pagan cult – but they don’t seem all that dangerous in the fleeting glimpses of their pristine ruby colored robes (maybe they’re headed for the orgy in Eyes Wide Shut?)
But as I say, there is a payoff that I found worthwhile. And the movie is short– less than an hour and a half. So even though it doesn’t get interesting until the final act – the wait isn’t as long as it seems.
It’s nice to see actresses of color: Angie Sandoval and Yetlanezi Rodriguez give the lifeless dialogue their best.
The film distributor says: “If you enjoyed THE LODGE, WINCHESTER and THE HERETICS, THOSE WHO CALL should be on your must-see list” said Keith Leopard, President Uncork’d Entertainment.
Those Who Call Begins Steaming Today, January 10th